Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Macam-macam berlaku dalam seminggu

Macam-macam benda jadi minggu lepas, dan semuanya tanpa diduga. Siapa pula kita nak menidakkan ketentuannya, kan? Hari Isnin aku dapat berita yang mak aku admitted sebab masalah jantung. Mak aku mengidap "Atrial Fibrillation". Sakit apa tu? Aku pun tak tahu nak terang. Cuma ini yang aku dapat dari wikipedia.

"Atrial fibrillation (AF or afib) is a cardiac arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm) that involves the two upper chambers (atria) of the heart. It can often be identified by taking a pulse and observing that the heartbeats don't occur at regular intervals, but a conclusive indication of AF is the absence of P waves on an electrocardiogram (ECG). AF is the most common arrhythmia; risk increases with age, with 8% of people over 80 having AF. In AF, the normal electrical impulses that are generated by the sinoatrial node are overwhelmed by disorganized electrical impulses that originate in the atria and pulmonary veins, leading to conduction of irregular impulses to the ventricles that generate the heartbeat. The result is an irregular heartbeat which may occur in episodes lasting from minutes to weeks, or it could occur all the time for years. The natural tendency of AF is to become a chronic condition. Chronic AF leads to a small increase in the risk of death".

Aku bergegas balik Penang. 9 hari mak aku di hospital aku, kakak dan kak ipar bergilir-gilir jaga mak. Alhamdulillah, tadi aku call Penang mak aku dah discharged. Lagi seminggu kena pergi hospital semula untuk ambil darah lagi. Ntah berapa kali darah mak aku kena ambil daaaaa....

Harap semuanya ok.

Hari Jumaat dapat berita yang maktok Peeja dah kembali ke rahmatullah. Takziah. Nasib aku sempat jumpa aruah dan sempat juga bersembang-sembang. Semoga roh maktok ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang beriman. Amin.

1 comment:

Aliah said...

Hope your mother is in good health by now... Amin...