Thursday, 11 September 2008

Kuih apa nih?

Kenape tiap kali raya kena buat kuih raya? If not, tak boleh raya ke? I've been burden with the same questions from my collegues here.

"Dzaza, nak kuih raya tak?" Me, "Oh! let me try first". Hemm...biasa jer

"Akak! tak nak beli kuih raya saya ke? What the hell! paksa ke apa ni...

"You makan batang buruk tak?". "Mine is the best in town". Cut the crap Mr...Batang buruk ke, batang besi ke, batang pelir sekali pun I'm not interested. OK!

"Dzaza, you look tired today". Me, "A'ah ya, just woke up from sleep. sweet of you". Him, "I jual kuih raya and kerepek, kalo Dzaza nak beli ni ada borang (amboi! siap ada borang lagi) Dzaza isilah apa kuih yang nak eh".

Ooooooooo....that is why you being soo nice to me hah! Got prawn behind the meehoon hah! Want to sell kuih raya to me la.

Aku nak kena jaga hati suma orang kah?.....

Woh! Hold up people. Its my money and I don't have money to buy you people kuih raya or what so ever. Paham!? The conclusion is Jangan tanya aku lagi soalan nih....Me don't like ittttttttttt....!!!!!!!!


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